Weekly Retrospective Simple + delta
This is a weekly retrospective aimed at bringing any simmering issues to the surface, it is aimed at continuous process improvement, it improves productivity during the week. The idea is to identify process change, absolutely not a blame game, that attitude must be shut down, and agreement reached as to how this will be run.
DateTime: 12 May 2012, 1pm Minute taker: Paul Tyrrell Chair: Sam Tyrrell
Step 1 Assign roles
Identify minute taker and chair, can be a vote, volunteer, Lifo, last in first to minute take.
Step 2 Review last week
Review Action status from last weeks retro, absolutely do not solve actions in this time, this is a quick review. 5 min.
Step 3 Put up Plus Delta columns
Write on the white board or flip chart two columns, Plus column and Delta Column
Step 4 Plus Deltas captured from team
Go round the room each person lists/voices their two Plus for the week past, and their two Delta's, or vote on an existing one. These go up on Whiteboard/Flipchart, no complaining, no recriminations, respectful to other team members.
Step 5 Acknowledge pluses
Acknowledge the Pluses
Step 6 Review & vote
Review the Delta's each person get's two votes.
Step 7 Assign Owner to actions
List top 3 voted Delta's Identify Owner.
Step 8 Quick wins on actions
Quick review possible solutions, if no quick solution, leave to Owner to action by next retro
Step 8 Minute and distrubute
Minute taker types up minutes post to wiki, and socialise.